All of the content for th....
Author: Jeff Billings
Sent with my voice via Jott:
All of the content for this Blog was developed or uploaded through an iPhone and my PV learners account. From voice phone calls converted to text and automatically uploaded to the blog using Jott, to camera photos using the iPhone and E-mail to the blog to instant text messages on the iPhone being posted to the blog. Convergence is upon us and the iPhone is a camera, an E-mail client, a browser, a video player, an organizer, a triangulator for GPS type use, an instant message client and more and more. Oh! yeah it is also a very good phone.
All of the content for this Blog was developed or uploaded through an iPhone and my PV learners account. From voice phone calls converted to text and automatically uploaded to the blog using Jott, to camera photos using the iPhone and E-mail to the blog to instant text messages on the iPhone being posted to the blog. Convergence is upon us and the iPhone is a camera, an E-mail client, a browser, a video player, an organizer, a triangulator for GPS type use, an instant message client and more and more. Oh! yeah it is also a very good phone.